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Message from Chancellor Carol L. Folt on accreditation decision

June 11, 2015

Dear Carolina Community:

I am writing to inform you that our regional accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), has notified the University in a telephone call that our accreditation is being maintained and that a one-year period of probation will be imposed for Carolina in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the many reforms instituted in recent years in response to the academic irregularities that ended in 2011.

UNC-Chapel Hill releases NCAA notice of allegations

June 4, 2015

The University has released the notice of allegations from the NCAA.

The University posted the 59-page notice and hundreds of pages of exhibits – called “factual information” (FI) by the NCAA – on the Carolina Commitment website after review by the Public Records Office to protect privacy rights mandated by federal and state laws. Carolina received the notice of allegations on May 20, 2015, and will respond within the NCAA’s 90-day deadline.

University forms Working Groups

June 4, 2015

Following the release of the report by Kenneth Wainstein of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, Chancellor Carol L. Folt announced several initiatives to prevent the recurrence of academic irregularities and to strengthen Carolina. To that end, two working groups were formed in May 2015—the Policy and Procedures Working Group, which has been charged with overseeing an enterprise-wide audit and then using the findings to further enhance process excellence and compliance—and the Ethics and Integrity Working Group, which has been charged with reinforcing ethical high-integrity behavior throughout the University.