After taking a fresh look during the summer of 2013 at how services were provided, the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes launched the new My Academic Plan initiative the following fall. Developed with input from ASPSA’s academic counselors and student-athletes, the MAP program focuses on the development of weekly plans individually designed for student-athletes based on their preparedness, course selection and specific needs.
The MAP program is devised for all incoming student-athletes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, including freshmen and transfers, as well as any other student-athlete who would benefit. Academic counselors hold mandatory weekly meetings with student-athletes to discuss class work and address challenges. Participants may also work with tutors and learning specialists, and participate in tailored group and guided study sessions led by professional educators.
MAP is one of several major changes that have occurred in ASPSA over the last year.
Last May, the program moved from the College of Arts and Sciences, where it had been housed since the early 1980s, to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The new reporting relationship was made to ensure the proper separation and balance of academic and athletic responsibilities for student-athletes.
Another new ASPSA initiative centers on academic advising and brings student-athletes in the College of Arts and Sciences together with their University advisors at least once a semester to discuss course planning and to explore major selection and curricular opportunities. These programs provide greater academic oversight and help student-athletes develop the skills they need to reach their educational goals.